Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence Is the Shizz-E!!!

I'd like to introduce you to
 the "Future-Is-Now" of Customer Relations.

"Messaging Automation"

Please Watch This Short Video For More Information!!

Important Note:

You are not the only business out there providing your service.

That being said...

The amount of time that it takes to connect with a new lead is critical!

Whenever you miss an opportunity to connect with a customer, new or existing, you run the risk of losing that potential customer, forever.

He may have decided to use the money for something else.

She may have decided to go with one of your competitors.

But both were interested in doing business with you first.

The fact is...

In this online business landscape, it's imperative to connect with people when they are most interested in doing business with you.

Connecting with people within a few seconds of initial contact not only give you the best chance of gaining a new client you also increase your overall "Like" factor - because they take YOU more seriously.

Imagine for second that you're the new lead...

You find a business that offers the service you need, right now...

You reach out and inquire about the services, which should be a simple answer, right?

I mean, how hard is it for a professional to talk about what they do?

But, for whatever reason, it takes over an hour to get a response. How many other businesses would you have contacted in that amount of time?

It probably depends on how bad you need the service, but even it the best of circumstances you most likely would have contacted at least one their competitors.

If that competitor responds promptly business #1 most like just lost a customer.

When business #1 finally responds an hour later you probably roll your eyes in irritation, with the thought "Really? An hour later"

If your goal is to be a Leader within your service area or industry,

You're going to need to make yourself available to connect with your customer,

When they want or NEED to be connected with you.

The crazy part is... 

by the time a person takes action to connect with a business, they're already 80% sold on the product or service!!

They just need that last bit of contact to seal the deal.

Contacting a lead days or hours after he/she has shown interest in your opportunity is simply unacceptable.

With so much noise on the internet, you have to see yourself as a guiding light for those lost and looking for the best person, company, or group - to supply the solution they're after.

Honestly, there are a lot of great companies, out there to chose from, so competition is high. You want to have your best game face on at all times.

Nothing says: "I'm Serious about my business, I'm here to help you any way that I can," like establishing an instant connection automatically from the moment they say hello.